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/* mac_event.c */
#include "mac_event.h"
#include <Sound.h>
Boolean ReceivedOpenEventFlag = false;
char FakeKeyBuffer[MAXKEYS];
int KeyBufPtr = 0;
Boolean QuitPending = false;
/* parameters controlling the synthesis, with handy default values. */
short AntiAliasing = true;
short StereoOn = false;
unsigned short SamplingRate = 22254;
short NumRepeats = 1;
short Speed = 50;
short StereoMix = 0;
short Loudness = 48;
short NumBits = 8; /* this is new in version 1.10! */
int RecalibratePlayer = false; /* set when settings change */
FSSpec GlobalFileSpec;
ProcessSerialNumber WhoLaunchedUs;
/* function to check to see that all required parameters have been gotten */
OSErr MyGotRequiredParams(AppleEvent* theAppleEvent)
DescType ReturnedType;
Size ActualSize;
OSErr Error;
Error = AEGetAttributePtr(theAppleEvent, keyMissedKeywordAttr, typeWildCard,
if (Error == errAEDescNotFound)
return noErr; /* we got all the params, since no more were found */
if (Error == noErr)
BUG("\pDidn't get all required parameters from apple event");
return errAEEventNotHandled; /* missed some, so it failed */
BUG("\pAEGetAttributePtr failed in MyGotRequiredParams");
return Error; /* AEGetAttributePtr failed, so we return why */
pascal OSErr MyHandleODoc(AppleEvent* theAppleEvent, AppleEvent* reply, long handlerRefcon)
OSErr Error;
FSSpec MyFSS; /* place to put file info */
long Index,ItemsInList;
AEDescList DocList;
Size ActualSize;
AEKeyword Keywd;
DescType ReturnedType;
/* get the direct parameter--a descriptor list--and put it into DocList */
Error = AEGetParamDesc(theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &DocList);
if (Error != noErr)
BUG("\pCouldn't get file list");
if (Error != noErr) return Error;
/* now we read all the additional parameters that MIGHT be present */
/* determining how to do the synthesis. They won't be present if the special */
/* interface program was not used to launch us. In that case the defaults */
/* will take over. */
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keyAntiAliasing,typeShortInteger,
if (Error != noErr)
BUG("\pBad keyAntiAliasing"); /* for debugging--don't worry about it */
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keyStereoOn,typeShortInteger,
if (Error != noErr)
BUG("\pBad keyStereoOn");
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keySamplingRate,typeShortInteger,
if (Error != noErr)
BUG("\pBad keySamplingRate");
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keyNumRepeats,typeShortInteger,
if (Error != noErr)
BUG("\pBad keyNumRepeats");
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keySpeed,typeShortInteger,
if (Error != noErr)
BUG("\pBad keySpeed");
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keyStereoMix,typeShortInteger,
if (Error != noErr)
BUG("\pBad keyStereoMix");
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keyLoudness,typeShortInteger,
if (Error != noErr)
BUG("\pBad keyLoudness");
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keyNumBits,typeShortInteger,
if (Error != noErr)
BUG("\pBad keyNumBits");
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keySenderPSN,typeProcessSerialNumber,
if (Error != noErr)
BUG("\pBad keySenderPSN");
/* check for missing required parameters */
Error = MyGotRequiredParams(theAppleEvent);
if (Error != noErr)
BUG("\Not all required params handled");
if (Error != noErr) return Error;
/* count the number of descriptor records in the list */
Error = AECountItems(&DocList,&ItemsInList);
/* now get each descriptor record from the list, coerce the returned data */
/* to an FSSpec record, and open the associated file */
for (Index=1; Index <= ItemsInList; Index += 1)
Error = AEGetNthPtr(&DocList,Index,typeFSS,&Keywd,&ReturnedType,
if (Error == noErr)
GlobalFileSpec = MyFSS;
BUG("\pCouldn't get FSSpec out of type list in MyHandleODoc");
Error = AEDisposeDesc(&DocList);
ReceivedOpenEventFlag = true;
return Error;
/* this receives a simulated keypress from the other system. The idea */
/* was that we could simulate the user pressing '>', '<', and others by */
/* sending apple events. Unfortunately, since things are precomputed as far */
/* ahead as we have memory for, the commands don't show up for many seconds. */
/* If I ever get around to making this interrupt driven, well, the mechanism */
/* is here ready and waiting. */
pascal OSErr MyHandleKey(AppleEvent* theAppleEvent, AppleEvent* reply, long handlerRefcon)
OSErr Error;
short KeyPressed = 0; /* default key does nothing */
long ActualSize;
DescType ReturnedType;
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keyKeyPressCharacter,typeShortInteger,
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keyAntiAliasing,typeShortInteger,
if (Error == noErr)
RecalibratePlayer = true;
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keyStereoOn,typeShortInteger,
if (Error == noErr)
RecalibratePlayer = true;
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keySamplingRate,typeShortInteger,
if (Error == noErr)
RecalibratePlayer = true;
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keyNumRepeats,typeShortInteger,
if (Error == noErr)
RecalibratePlayer = true;
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keySpeed,typeShortInteger,
if (Error == noErr)
RecalibratePlayer = true;
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keyStereoMix,typeShortInteger,
if (Error == noErr)
RecalibratePlayer = true;
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keyLoudness,typeShortInteger,
if (Error == noErr)
RecalibratePlayer = true;
Error = AEGetParamPtr(theAppleEvent,keyNumBits,typeShortInteger,
if (Error == noErr)
RecalibratePlayer = true;
Error = noErr;
if (Error == noErr)
Error = MyGotRequiredParams(theAppleEvent);
if (Error != noErr)
return Error;
if ((KeyBufPtr < MAXKEYS - 1) && (KeyPressed != 0))
FakeKeyBuffer[KeyBufPtr] = KeyPressed;
KeyBufPtr += 1;
return noErr;
return Error;
/* forced quit event on system shutdown or user stoppage */
pascal OSErr MyHandleQuit(AppleEvent* theAppleEvent, AppleEvent* reply, long handlerRefcon)
OSErr Error;
/* check for missing required parameters */
Error = MyGotRequiredParams(theAppleEvent);
if (Error != noErr) return Error;
QuitPending = true;
return noErr;
/* this is a simple event loop. Not having an interface, we don't pay any */
/* attention to anything but apple events. This also gives time to other */
/* applications. One improvement: adding checks for keyboard events might */
/* be handy when the program is run without the interface. They could just */
/* be queued like they are done in MyHandleKey. */
void WaitForEvent(long SleepTime)
EventRecord MyEvent;
OSErr Error;
switch (MyEvent.what)
case kHighLevelEvent:
Error = AEProcessAppleEvent(&MyEvent);
/* whip off a message to the interface application explaining why the */
/* song sounds like crap! */
void FatalError(short ErrorID)
short Error;
AppleEvent Event;
AEAddressDesc AddressDescriptor;
AppleEvent Reply;
Error = AECreateDesc(typeProcessSerialNumber,(void*)&WhoLaunchedUs,
Error = AECreateAppleEvent(ControlEventClass,ErrorEvent,&AddressDescriptor,
Error = AEPutParamPtr(&Event,keyErrorIDNum,typeShortInteger,
Error = AESend(&Event,&Reply,kAENoReply,kAENormalPriority,kNoTimeOut,NULL,NULL);
int RegisterEventHandlers(void)
OSErr Error;
/* installing open document handler */
Error = AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass,kAEOpenDocuments,&MyHandleODoc,0,false);
if (Error != noErr)
return false;
Error = AEInstallEventHandler(ControlEventClass,ControlEvent,&MyHandleKey,0,false);
if (Error != noErr)
return false;
Error = AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass,kAEQuitApplication,&MyHandleQuit,0,false);
if (Error != noErr)
return false;
return true;